I’ve been a bit remiss lately about writing. But we have been busy. Life happens and sometimes gets in the way of our plans. Family… Illness… Pets… More specifically, cats. Most specifically, kittens.
Some time ago I mentioned that Oscar Wilde, the miniature dachshund, was perhaps lonely since he is last man standing, so to speak. We’ve always had several animals around, both inside and out. With the demise of my 19-year-old Grisabella cat, Smoke (whom he avoided like the plague) he was alone.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like Smoke. He was actually afraid of Smoke! This was brought on by their first encounter. Upon arriving at my house as a rescue dog, Oscar immediately ran up on Smoke (being friendly and wanting to introduce himself), thereby frightening and startling the poor old creature. He was rewarded with a hiss and a quick but effective slap across the face. Claws out. Oscar learned right away that Smoke was a force to be reckoned with. Though she was a sweet, mild-mannered old thing, she was the queen of her turf and no one or nothing bothered her. He still sports a small scar across the bridge of his nose. A constant reminder that cats, in general, may not be the best choice for an intimate friend.
Enter small grey ball of fluff, Sidney (or Sydney, as the case may be). We are, as of yet, uncertain as to gender. We know it has sharp teeth and needle-like claws at the end of its four paws that catch and scratch everything it comes into contact with!
Oscar is not amused! At the moment, as I write, small bit of fluff has taken over the pup’s bed and the guard dog is pouting in the opposite corner of the room, as far away as possible from the intruder. Oscar has a long memory and, though he is curious about the new addition, he learned his lesson from Smoke. He won’t press his luck.
The kitten loves Oscar and gravitates to him. He will grow up knowing dogs don’t have to be a threat. Hopefully, these two will become friends and Oscar won’t continue to give me that “I’m bored” look I’ve been getting a lot lately. Another furry creature in the house should make his life fuller. Yes, I do realize I may be creating a monster.
But, at the moment, Oscar is not so sure. The look I’m getting these days is “Okay, that was fun, but let’s take it back to wherever it came from!”. And the occasional “Please, make it get out of my bed!”. Or “Why? Just why?”.
It’s sort of like having children. It’s rocky at times. But it’s worth it in the end! So, for now, we will indulge Sidney (or Sydney. I’ll keep you posted on that!) because he’s the newcomer and because he is a baby. Oscar will get a little more attention and pampering. It’s a win/win for everyone. And, eventually, they will grow to be friends. At least, that’s the plan. I’ll keep you posted on that as well.
Hope this works out well!!
We shall see…