Firstly, let me say that I’m pretty certain Sidney is a male kitty. This is not really what I wanted but, apparently, this is what I got. However, I am holding onto the hope that Sid will turn out to be a girl. The vet has yet to verify this.
It isn’t that I don’t like male cats. One of the best cats I’ve ever had was a huge old thing named Zeus. I just don’t want to deal with the problems that male cats inherently have. ie; spraying… ick.
Secondly, Little Gray Piece of Fluff was way too young to be abandoned by his mother. I hope that is not indicative of any health problems yet to rear their ugly heads.
Thirdly, I was not cut out to be a cat mama. But, because he is so cute, and because he is so needy at the moment, Oscar Wilde and I will continue to do midnight feedings (with exorbitantly expensive cat milk replacement) and put up with razor-sharp teeth and attempts to climb our legs,
Speaking of Oscar, he is still not impressed with this little creature who has invaded his quiet home and taken over his favorite blankie. Sometimes, he emits a low warning growl if Gray Kitten is too annoying but, usually, he just walks away when he’s had enough. He can still find his solitude in bed. My bed. Because Sidney has yet to figure out how to get up there! But is only a matter of time!
Sidney is growig and doing well, eating milk replacement and soft canned food. He is attempting to eat dry kibble but it is still too much of a chore for him to eat much of that. I’ll keep him on the formula until I’m certain he no longer needs it.
I hate to think what might have happened to this kitty if I had not taken him in. It was pure chance that I found him. And, of course, we all know he is not the only abandoned stray out there.
The truth is, he would have died. Or been killed by some wild animal. There is only one thing I can say about this situation. As far as I am concerned, it should be everyone’s mantra: Please spay and neuter your pets. That is what will happen to Sid (or Syd) as soon as he is old enough. We stop the cycle here. And he will make a wonderful pet. Regardless of what Oscar thinks!
I’ll keep you updated!