Do you have a favorite place where you can get away and rejuvenate? My friends and I sometimes go to what is simply referred to as The Mountain. It is a physical place where a long leisurely ... READ the POST
On the Blog

Have you ever had that feeling when you just needed interaction with something or someone? Apparently, Mr. Boots, the feral cat, was at the point this morning when I went out to give him his ... READ the POST

A Day in the Life
Do you have one of those friends that, no matter what you do, if you are together there is going to be some sort of ‘incident’ happen? Well, I have two of them! And when we are ... READ the POST

A Drive Through the Country
My husband and I were on a driving tour through the Southwest and on this particular day, we had stopped at a small convenience store to take a break and get a few supplies. It was early morning, but ... READ the POST
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