It is that time of year again in the United States to think about Thanksgiving. It is such a popular holiday here that a specific menu has grown to be expected: Turkey, dressing (or stuffing, depending upon where you live), mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Of course, there is a variation of this with each family. But, no matter what foods we sit down at the table to, the idea of celebrating Thanksgiving seems to connect us all.
When our children were small, we would ask them to tell us what they were thankful for. As you can imagine, the answers of three- or four-year-olds were something along the lines of, “I’m thankful for my stuffed animal”, or “I’m thankful for my new bike.” As they grew older, they seemed to catch on that, though we should be thankful for those very important items, there were other things that really made our lives worth living. “I’m thankful for my grandparents”, “I’m grateful we get to take vacations every year”, “I’m thankful for the stars.”
As an adult, I am thankful for the stars, too. I am an avid stargazer and cannot imagine how empty my life would be without the ability to go out and stare up at the night sky. It is something money cannot buy. I am also thankful for family members, which are irreplaceable. Likewise, my friends are something I could not imagine living without. The innumerable pets I have had will forever hold a special place in my heart. On a different note, I am thankful for the moral upbringing my parents and extended family gave me. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a mother. It has been the best and hardest job I’ve ever had. But I cannot imagine my life without being a mom, and now a grandma and a gigi.
Looking back, I have had a wonderful life, and I am thankful for everyone who helped make it so. There are so many aspects of our lives that we should appreciate. And they are as individual as we all are.
So my question to you is this; what are you thankful for? Only you can answer that. My wish for you is that as you enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner this year, whether it be traditional or not, you have much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!