Succulents have risen in popularity over the past few years. They are no longer considered just ‘one of grandma’s plants’ anymore. They have become trendy, showing up in funky new containers and even in wedding bouquets and boutonnieres! They are planted into living wreaths and door hangers. Some even occupy pride of place on executive desks.
It’s no wonder. They are marvelous, easy-to-grow plants that don’t take up a lot of space or very much care. And there is a multitude of sizes and shapes and colors to choose from. They are actually the perfect houseplant.
Care is simple. A lot of bright light, minimal fertilizer, and some water. A well-drained container with a drip pan is essential, as well as a good potting medium.
As with most plants, water until the soil is saturated. Allow the plant to absorb water for about an hour then drain off any excess that is in the saucer. Allow the soil to dry out well before watering again. (Some people invest in a small water meter if they have problems determining when to water. You can get that here if you need help with this:
Use a good well-drained soil, specially formulated for succulents or cacti so it won’t become waterlogged and encourage root rot.
Fertilize sparingly with a water-soluble fertilizer. (Perhaps once a month.)
There are many types of succulents so read the tags and do your research. Most, like agaves, need strong direct sunlight. Some, like aloe vera, can get sunburned so they need bright, filtered light. Anything that says ‘tropical’ will probably need a bit more care, so be prepared. Each will have its own requirements.
Also, be aware that some succulents are not frost-hardly and cannot be left out during the cold months. This information will be on the care tag that comes with your purchase. Or research online for specific information.
Because of the variety and ease of care, succulents have become one of my favorite houseplants. Believe me, this is a rabbit hole I could willingly tumble into. I just might not find my way back! Give them a try and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
I’ve never done anything with a succulent before, frankly I do not have a green thumb! I think I am going to have to try to grow a few of these.
Elizabeth, I think you’ll like them. There are SO many varieties to choose from!