Has this ever happened to you? You begin on a project and before long have become so sidetracked that you never get the original task accomplished. Or, at least, not finished in a timely manner. This happens to me all the time. I’m really not too distracted by pretty shiny things but sometimes…. Well. Sometimes, I just can’t help myself
The most recent occurrence of this phenomenon was this morning. The person who lives with me decided that she had to have something which she swore was in the junk room. That room is actually the library. At least, that was its original purpose. Over the time I have lived here, it has gradually become the room where things are stored until they can find a better home. No room for that extra chair? Just put it in the library. What to do with the extra boxes of clothes meant for the resale shop? Put them in the library. Need to stash something out of sight, it goes to the library. So, as you can imagine, the library has evolved into what we lovingly – and sometimes, disgustedly – call the junk room.
So, because the grandchild needed a picture that she just knew was in the library, I opened the door and ventured in. It was embarrassingly full of stuff. How had this happened? I chided myself. Laziness, I decided. It had become too easy to just put things I didn’t know what to do with in here. The room had become unusable as its original purpose. Something had to be done. And I knew what that ‘something’ was. It was cleaning time.
I knew I had to stay on top of this if I was going to accomplish my goal. No time to think about what I was about to do. Just do it.
I began with the stack of boxes near the door. Boxes that I discovered were empty. What was that about? I wondered. Why keep empty boxes? Upon closer inspection, I discovered that they were very good boxes, probably kept to store extra clothes or important items. Still, they had to go. I stacked them on the living room floor.
Then there were the boxes of things to go to the charity shop. Extra clothes, sets of duplicate dishes, an old chair. Why were these things still here? I quickly set the boxes out on the living room floor. Near the door, so they could be taken away. I continued to work. I felt like I was in an episode of Hoarders!
Soon, the living room floor was strewn with items to be removed from my house. It was a mess! I sincerely hoped I would have no drop-in guests for the rest of the day.
When I got to the picture albums, setting on the desk, I began going through the photos, looking for the one item the granddaughter wanted. This was my moment of downfall. I knew it would happen. It always does. I begin glancing through the photos and, before long, I’m sitting in the middle of the floor, studying every picture. There are tears of joy and sorrow as I look at the images of my children. Delight for their lives and the absolute pride of being their mother and sadness that time has gone so quickly from their childhood to adulthood.
Hysterically, I laugh at some of the antics my children and their friends have documented. My own friends are there in that ‘silly’ category too and I recall the circumstances when each photo was taken. We look so young and carefree in some of the snaps.
There are pictures of me and my siblings as children and I have to marvel that we were such cute kids! Does that sound too conceited? Family vacations, wedding albums, friends, and relations. My life documented in a few photos. Oh, but the memories they hold. I guard these precious pieces of paper as if they were gold, for to me they are worth more.
I reminisce about the various places we’ve lived. Some houses I loved more than others, for various reasons. My favorite, by far, was the old Queen Anne Victorian. I still miss that house. But every place has had its benefits. And I am thankful for the various experiences.
As I look at the pile of photo albums, I give a silent ‘thank you’ for my life. It may not have been the one I had planned out for myself, but it has been a good one and I have been blessed. There are very few things I would change, if given the power, for I believe that everything – even bad things – happen for a reason. It is all part of a bigger plan which we, as individuals, may not be able to see.
Quite suddenly, I realize, that my mood is becoming maudlin. I look around at the mess I have created in an attempt to ‘clean’. Quickly, I put the photos back. All except the one I have originally come in here for. If I don’t start putting this room together soon, I may let the moment pass and the living room will become the new junk room! We can’t have that.
I sort boxes, stack them in groups by the front door for easier removal. When I am finished, we will have the library back. I’ll be glad about that. It is a room for books, not junk. The books I cherish. They deserve better.
Do you get easily distracted when cleaning? Tell me what gets you off track.
This is why things at my house stay boxed for years!