Halloween has never been my favorite holiday. There, I said it! I know some of you are hurling things at me right now, not the least of whom is my daughter-in-law. This is her most beloved holiday. I don’t know why…
As I said, this is not my favorite time. Not because I object, religiously or philosophically, to the whole concept of Halloween. I just have holidays that I like better…
However, as a mother (and now as a grandmother and gigi) I have found that there is no way out! And as a mother, grandmother, gig, and teacher, I have spent a lot of time decorating the house and the classroom for the big event.
Straw bales appear on the lawn which, incidentally, can be used as ‘Fall’ and ‘Thanksgiving’ decorations! (I believe in multipurpose decorations, whenever possible.) Change out the carved pumpkins and scarecrows for mums and gourds and, viola! Immediately you go from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Easy, peasy.
Over the years, I have spent so much time preparing for Halloween. Once, I made pumpkin costumes, reinforced with wire and stuffing so they held their shape. Of course, the kids couldn’t sit down in them, but they didn’t seem to mind. One year, I sewed pink bunny outfits with big, floppy ears. That may have been their least favorite! Some years we improvised with make-up and Dad’s old clothes to look like hobos. The list goes on. And I spent a lot of time dressing myself up, too.
I have cut out more bats and flying witches from black construction paper and taped them onto walls, windows, and bulletin boards than I care to remember. I have carved pumpkins that I knew would turn into a moldering, rotting mess on the front steps. (They could have been a pumpkin pie!) I have probably passed out more candy than I should have instead of nice stickers or nutritious snacks. But, in the spirit of the moment, you do what you have to do. Because you love your kids, and your grands, and your great. And your students. And all those little ‘monsters’ who come to your door because you have your house decorated so well. And you give out great treats. And their parents KNOW you are safe.
Maybe I DO like Halloween after all. Because, unlike Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and all the other family-oriented holidays (which I love), Halloween is a time when you can share with perfect strangers. You open your door to many people that you don’t even know and give them gifts. It is hospitality at its simplest.
When I answer the door to some little goblins’ cry of ‘trick-or-treat!’, I always act dully frightened of their ‘scary’ outfits, visit for a moment, give them their treats and watch them go happily on their way to their next ‘victim’. Then I close the door with a joyful smile. This puts me in a good mood. Yes, perhaps I DO like Halloween after all!
Happy Halloween!!
Enjoy the moment.