I recently had a girls’ day out with a friend. We had lunch at a magnificent restaurant with upscale food, talked about just about everything, and spent the afternoon shopping. Having time with a friend should have been enough to make me happy but I also found the most marvelous new shop where I had never been before. And it was amazing. It was the kind of place I love, full of home décor and wonderful accessories that are just my style.
I was enjoying myself very much, walking around casually taking in all the unique decorating ideas when I turned a corner and was stopped dead in my tracks! Before me was a dizzying array of bunny rabbits so vast and varied I almost gasped. One of the things I obsessively collect is bunnies, in any shape or form. And here was a dream come true.
There were bunnies cast in metal, bunnies fashioned of paper mache, and bunnies sewn of cloth. Bunnies on pillows, on throws and blankets, and wall hangings.
There were paintings of cute bunnies with huge eyes and long lashes and studious bunnies with enormous glasses.
I was in seventh heaven! What was a girl to do? Bunnies were everywhere! How would I possibly ever choose which to take home with me? There were just too many choices. It made me giddy to contemplate. Hummmm… Perhaps I should just take them all!
What do you collect?