It’s almost Christmas and, as all Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of the Messiah, it is a joyful time of wonder and family and friends. New beginnings. Forgiveness. Change. Promise.
I have to admit that, though I really don’t like winter and the cold, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I am still able, at my age, to conjure up that feeling that I had as a child of magic and wonder. Because, you see, I still believe in the wonder of Christmas. The Holy Birth, to be sure. But also, the very secular notion of a jolly old man in a red suit bringing gifts. And I most definitely believe in magic. Not the witchcraft kind of magic we all assume when we hear that word. Not the turning of frogs into princes. (Though on a higher level, I believe that can be done. If you can see the inner beauty of the ‘frog’, he can, indeed, become a ‘prince’.)
When I say I believe in magic, I mean the innermost strength we all possess but few, if any, of us ever tap. Most of us have lost sight of it and its power. Some say it is that spark that makes us human. Some believe it is that bit of The Creator that lives in all of us. Some just deny it.
I’m not certain what it is. But, if I could conjure up the power to change one small thing in the life of someone this season, it would be that my best friend would have a little more time with her dog. Her dog, you scoff? Nova is not just a dog.
You see, my BFF honestly and truly believes this beautiful creature is an angel. The husky was a foundling when she came trotting into my friend’s life. She just appeared. And she came at a time when the BFF needed her the most. In many ways, they rescued each other.
And Nova may well be an angel, sent to protect and guide and comfort. When I look into this lovely creature’s eyes, I do not see the eyes of a dog. She knows things. She understands.
But, alas, even at this most magical time of year, I cannot change the physics of the world we live in. I cannot suspend time. I cannot set the world on end, even for a moment. But, perhaps, Nova has done that herself.
She almost died a few months ago. We give a lot of credit to the veterinarian who treated her. And to my friend who gives her such loving care. But, just maybe, she drew herself back from the brink, to stay a little longer. Because she knew no one was ready for her to go. She gave everyone time to prepare for life without her.
If she is an angel, she would know how much we will all mourn her. And that the human she came to save will never be the same without her.
Perhaps she is an angel after all.
Heb 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Ok, I am rea.lily getting your take on magic now. My cousin Bobbie, is experiencing a situation she can’t explain and for which there is no physical possibility. A small strand of lights remain lit around the area designated for deceased daughter when the power is off to all of the strand. They continue being lit from night to morning. She posted a picture today because no one believes this is possible. I sent her a not saying maybe this is the magic of our spirit that we we possess but rarely tap. I am becoming a believer!!
This was a great insight into Nova. She really is a spirit. I will never believe differently. She also knows that I know this and it creates a special bond I don’t share with the other critters. I had this with Poco, too.
Nova is very special. And when she decides to go, she will be greatly missed by many. As you know, I believe I live with one of those spirit animals, as well.
We are each other’s angels. Life is life in all its forms.
So true, Crow.