Do you ever just go for a drive to see the fall foliage? Most years, we enjoy a beautiful, colorful fall here in the Ozarks of Arkansas. This year, however, most trees are still very green. Few leaves have started to change into their party attire for the autumn season. I am one of those who like to take a long drive to view the colors. So the fact that there is no color yet is a little disappointing. The changing foliage is one thing that I really love about this time of year. It’s always a little surprising to see the varying hues that nature reveals during these months. I hope this doesn’t mean that the leaves will go directly from green to dead! That has happened in years past and it is not pretty. I suppose all I can do at the moment is satisfy myself with the photos that others are sharing of beautiful places where they live or are vacationing. Enjoy!

Some of my favorite blog posts from the past:
The Pumpkin Patch (bgibsonbooks.com)
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No color here in Central PA so far either. But the pummpkin crop was good. Lots of farm stands dot our back roads. Loved the photos First visit from Sharing Group for Bloggers.
Linda, the corn mazes are very popular here and the pumpkins have been out in full force for a while. I’m ready for a long drive to see some beautiful foliage.!
Even I love to drive to see the fall foliage. Have you discovered any hidden gems for autumn leaf-peeping in the area? If so, would love to hear about them.